- sisseehitatud Fono eelvõim (Rega Fono Mini)
- RB110 käpp
- Carbon helipea
- 24V pingel töötav võimalikult vibratsioonivaba mootor
- läikivas viimistluses alusplaat
- tolmukate
Mõõdud (suletud kaanega) kõrgus 11.7 x laius 44.7 x sügavus 36 cm
Kaal: 4.35kg
Use only with a Rega PS1 350 mA power supply.
50 Hz: 24 V AC 0.142 mA maximum power consumption 3.4 W.
60 Hz: 24 V AC 0.129 mA maximum power consumption 3.1 W.
Maximum Output Level (3.54 cm/s RMS 45 degrees CBS STR100 Band 6a and 7a): 370-410 mV
Output Impedance: 1 kΩ
Frequency Response (pre-amplifier only): 14 Hz (-3 dB Point) to 100 kHz (-0.6 dB Point)
RIAA Accuracy (pre-amplifier only): (100 Hz to 20 kHz) ± 0.4 dB typically better than ± 0.25 dB
Pre-amplifier Gain: 40 dB
Pre-amplifier Input Loading: 47 kΩ in parallel with 220 pF
Signal to Noise Ratio: -75 dB A-weighted ref maximum output.
Power Requirements: 50 Hz 24 V AC 0.142 mA 3.4 W – 60 Hz 24 V AC 0.129 mA 3.1 W